Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Not Ready For No W.O.W.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Burnout and Exhaustion
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
In Remembrance...of Amy Jensen
Monday, November 30, 2009
And the Winner is....ME!!!
- I talk to myself more positively
- I don't have fat days anymore...just ones where I knew I had too much salt the day before
- My husband bought me a new outfit from Vanity and I didn't have to say,"Honey, you know clothes from that store only fit skinny people"
- I can go out to eat and take pride in knowing that I made good choices
- For all the great people I have met at Average Joe's, to help cancel out some of the negative ones in my life
- That I know when people say nothing at all about my weight loss...that it now comes as the world's greatest compliment.
- The confidence I have around my family (if you knew my family you would understand)
- That my husband says tells me I look good...with a little different look in his eye
- That despite screwing up a few times, I actually stuck with something, saw it through, and now see the results.
- Know that I have spent my last dollar on anything that has a headline that says "Get Skinny Quick"
- Have cried for the last time watching Biggest Loser...because I won W.O.W. with the results I had, carried 9 credits on my Masters, AND started a brand new job IN THE SAME THREE MONTHS.
- Don't get food to make me feel better about anything
- Hearing my husband say he's really proud of me
Friday, November 20, 2009
W.O.W. - The Finale
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
W.O.W. Week 10
Monday, November 9, 2009
Anyway, I really fell off the face of the planet there for a while, but I'm very happy to say that I am back in the saddle again, and going on day 8 of exercising and eating moderately well. Not perfect by any means, but pretty good. I have some exciting things coming up in the next few months (kind of personal, not really blog worthy) that are really motivating me right now, so I'm running with it while I can! With the holidays coming up I know I'm really going to have to hunker down and keep my goals in mind, but I think I'm ready for it.
I love being able to go to bed at night and think about my day, and feel proud of the choices I've made.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
W.O.W. Week 6-Half Way Point
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
W.O.W. Week 5
Thursday, October 1, 2009
W.O.W. Week 4
Monday, September 28, 2009
Because blogging is my therapy...
I skipped lunch today.
I didn't bring anything from home, and suddenly realized how hungry I was about 30 minutes ago (2 pm). So instead of running to Subway down the block, I ran to Burger King, also just down the street. And I ordered a Whopper with cheese, and a medium fry. The whole time I was doing it, I kept thinking "Mallory! What are you doing?? You have issues girl. You have issues. This isn't what you really want." Seriously, that's what a conversation in my head looks like when I am about to binge. And then I generally follow thru with my bad behavior, even though I know it's not going to make me happy. It's something that I do and that I need to get a grip on. Anyway, I got the food back here to work, pigged down all the fries without hardly even tasting them, and cut the burger in half and only ate half. Then threw the other half out. Which I guess you could say that's a good thing, but I still just consumed 695 calories (probably more including the cheese) and I feel so gross. Stomach hurting, the works. I'm so disappointed in myself and wish that I would just use my willpower to stop these behaviors. UGH. I really need to get over this completely unhealthy eating thing that's been happening off and on for the past week. I haven't stepped on the scale for a week or so, but I'm sure it wouldn't be pretty if I did. I am really starting to miss that feeling of LOSING WEIGHT. I feel like one little part of me is saying "Good job, Mal! You've lost 30 lbs now you're good to go!" And of course I know that's not true.
Anyway, I really need to do this for myself so I am promising YOU, Internet, that I am going to go jogging tonight. I think with my exercise routine being out of whack it really hasn't helped my eating struggles. So that's what I will do this evening. At least 45 minutes worth of jogging/walking. AND I will go to the store and get a few Healthy Choice meals to bring for lunches. Those tend to keep me in line pretty well. Phew. Feeling a little better already. I'll report back tomorrow on how that all goes.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I have issues.
It's time to confess... I am EXTREMELY disappointed in myself and I feel like I won't be able to let it go until I just write it all down and officially get over it.
The last 2 days have been a complete disaster, both with exercise and eating. I mean DISASTER. I have just been craving sweets and saltys, and I've given in more than I would like to admit. I mean king sized candy bars, doughnuts galore, hamburgers and fries (x2), gigantic breakfast burritos, hot dogs, cookie dough... you name it. And I have no excuses so I'm not even going to go there.
As far as exercising, I decided after my jog on Saturday to take a break from jogging for now because I have what seems to be a pulled muscle in my thigh that is just not going away. It's actually really weird, half the time it feels like a pinched nerve, half the time it feels like its a pulled muscle, and when it first happened it felt like it was in my hip socket. It happened when I was wearing those horrible awful shoes, and it seems like I just hurt it all over again each time I go jogging. I would just push through the pain and get over it but I've decided that I really need to let it heal before it becomes something worse. And I had every intention of doing the elliptical or biking in place of jogging, but I just haven't done it. End of story.
Anyway, today I am back on track with my eating, and planning a 60 minute bike ride this evening. I'm actually really looking forward to it because it's been a while since I have ridden. I'm also looking forward to the over all good feeling that I get from exercise, because my choices the past few days have really had a negative effect on my overall outlook. It's amazing how the things you eat, and lack of exercise effect your entire life.
Well now that I have, in a way, made my confession, I feel like I am over this and officially moving on. I'm so done feeling icky. I have reason to believe i've been craving like mad due to PMS but I'm not using that as an excuse. I know I'm stronger than that and I'm happy to be done with it.
Have a great day everyone! I'm feeling better already.
Monday, September 21, 2009
W.O.W. Week 3
Friday, September 18, 2009
Just for the hell of it.
I completely forgot to blog about my new running shoes that I got a couple weeks ago.
These pretty little babies... Introducing the Pearl izumi Syncropace III's.
OK so maybe HOT MOMMAS isn't exactly the right word here but hey, they are 360 degree reflective, so chances are I will never get run over by a car while jogging. They are by far the most expensive yet least attractive shoe I have ever bought in my life (they are a much brighter green than they look in the picture). But incredibly awesome and worth every penny considering that I have not had ONE SECOND of shin pain/ knee pain since wearing these! I almost can't even believe it. Even the smallest jogs in my old shoes (seriously small, like 15 seconds of jogging) would result in shin pain for the rest of the day on my right leg. I was wrapping it in ace bandages, resting, icing... and the next time I would go out BAM. Shin pain once again. But now I can run 9 whole minutes (hello, can you tell I'm proud?!) in a row without stopping, and still no shin pain!!
I've really been loving the whole jogging thing lately. I've sort of ditched the couch to 5k program, and taken off on my own program. I feel like it got me started really well and now I just want to do my own thing. An evening at the track goes like this - 1 lap warm up walk, 3 laps jogging (9 minutes), 1 lap walk, 3 laps jogging (another 9 minutes), 1 lap walk, and 3 MORE laps jogging, followed by a cool down for however long I feel like walking, typically 2 or 3 more laps. Not bad for a girl who could barely jog 60 seconds a couple months ago. I've done this about 4 or 5 times, and I think next week I will move those 3 laps up to 4 laps!! Which means I will officially be jogging ONE MILE WITHOUT STOPPING. I never thought I'd see the day, but I know I'll be able to do it. I'm already so close at 3 laps! Jogging is not easy for me. I've sort of come to the conclusion that it will never be easy for me. But the thing that keeps me going is the way I feel AFTER a jog. Wow. It's unlike anything I've ever felt. I get such a feeling of accomplishment, knowing that I'm really pushing myself and knowing that each time I go out, I'm getting just a little bit closer to accomplishing my goal of running a 5k and it's just an all around awesome feeling. I love it so much and am so glad that I took that first scary as can be step towards becoming a jogger.
Monday, September 14, 2009
W.O.W. Week 2
Saturday, September 12, 2009
W.O.W. Week 1
Friday, September 11, 2009
One year anniversary
So in honor of my anniversary, I will share my stats from one year ago, and from today.
207.8 lbs.
waist- 38 in.
hips- 46 in.
arms- 14 in.
thighs- 28 in.
bust-42 in.
ribs - 38 in.
177.8 lbs.
waist- 34 in.
hips- 42.5 in.
arms- 14 in.
thighs- left= 26 in. right= 26.5 in.
bust- 40 in.
ribs- 35.5 in.
Total loss of 30 lbs.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
6:30 am on a Sunday
Monday, August 31, 2009
I did it!

I'm proud to report that I crossed the finish line in the 2 mile fun run on Saturday. I wasn't able to run the whole thing (which I already knew was going to be the case), but 24 minutes and 7 seconds later, (and 313 calories!) I jogged across the finish line. The first mile was 11 mins and 30 seconds, and the second mile was 12 minutes and 37 seconds. Of course I know this is no world record, but I am still very proud! My very first 'race' that I paid money to attend! And it's fun because now I at least have something to compare myself to, and to work towards. Maybe once a week, or every other week I will time myself in a 2 mile run and watch my progression. Right now I am in week 4 of couch 2 5k, and I still plan on running a 5k this fall. I'd like to set a goal of finishing within 36 minutes or something like that. I guess at it gets closer, I will see. But I definitely AM going to do a 5k this year like I planned!
Edit: I just saw that on the 2oth I made a little goal of finishing within 25 minutes. I had forgotten about that but needless to say, I'm very happy.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I'm gonna make a supersonic manoutta YOU!
Anyway, I just received a little email that went something like this:
Registration Confirmation for: Hess Cancer Foundation Legacy Bike Tour and Half Marathon
Dear Mallory,Congratulations! You are now registered for Hess Cancer Foundation Legacy Bike Tour and Half Marathon on August 29, 2009. Please check the event's official website for updates: View your complete registration details »Thank you for helping us with this great cause! Pick up your race packet on Friday, August 28 from noon - 8:00 pm at the South Davis Recreation Center.
It's true. I took this advice and suddenly found myself registering for a race. OK maybe it's not exactly a real true race, but it's a 2 mile fun run which is as close to a race as I've EVER been so I'm still very excited :O) We even get T-shirts and have to wear numbered bibs! I'm doing it with my handsome husband, and his sister and her husband.

Slight concern- The race is in 8 days. And at this point in time I can only jog for 3 minutes and 18 seconds without needing a break... so roughly .35 of a mile. Hmph. I guess it goes without saying that I'm going to be sporting my running shoes from now until then in hopes of building up some stamina! I think either tomorrow or Saturday I will start week 4 of couch to 5k and hopefully get to where I can jog 5 minutes without stopping. Whew! I'm getting exhausted just thinking about it, but very excited too! I'm thinking I need to make a little goal for myself to work towards. Something attainable, but that I'll have to work for. Like to finish within 25 minutes or so?! Wish me luck!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Getting Fit: Motivation
Lately anything that talks about races and running really gets my blood pumping! Every now and then I get back to this basic mode of thinking- Screw getting skinny! Forget wearing smaller clothes and turning heads... I just want to feel good. I want to be able to run. I want to bike. I want to go for long hikes and walk up hilly streets without getting winded, I want to feel how strong my muscles are getting because of all the hard work I've done... That's what this is all about. I'm doing this for me and not anybody else. Anyway I loved this blog. I also really liked the idea of the mini triathlon! I never knew they did them so small, but I see that being something really fun to work towards.
Again, the following is from a blog (not my blog) at
"I've found a quick fix for motivation/body image issues! Want to know what it is?
Sign up for a race.
Mine is a long story, but I promise, it’ll make perfect sense, so bear with me! I started my weight loss journey after my fiancé, Kyle, proposed on December 27, 2007. I had always been thin and fairly active (hiking, yoga, rafting, skiing), and had never really watched what I ate.
As the years went on and my metabolism slowed, I gradually increased in my dress size, first from a size 4 to a size 6 in college, then from a size 6 to an 8/10 in graduate school. When Kyle proposed, I began to realize that my body wasn't what it used to be, and I wanted to look perfect for my wedding in August 2009. I knew what I had to do: eat right and exercise.
Diet pills really weren’t an option—I wanted to make a lifestyle change and didn’t want a quick fix (a pill) to fix the problem that could lead to more trouble down the road (a screwed-up metabolism). So I joined a gym with my good friend Alie, and signed up for the free session with a personal trainer at the gym. I showed up at the gym in my cute little yoga top and bottoms, fully expecting the trainer to tell me, “You don't need to lose weight! You look GREAT!" I got the shock of my life and started to cry when I stepped on the scale: 184. My driver's license (from high school, mind you), said I weighed 150 pounds. I was shocked and angry at myself that I had slowly piled on 34 pounds over the years. My BMI was at 25, directly on the border of healthy and overweight. How could I have let myself get out of control--I didn't even own a scale!
After a rigorous workout with the trainer, Erin, I hired her for 12 training sessions. You'd think that paying for a personal trainer and losing weight for your wedding would provide some motivation to get on the wagon, right? Wrong. Though Erin was amazing, 12 sessions divided over six weeks wasn't enough to get my body back on track. I was working out pretty hard and hungry ALL THE TIME, and was consistently erasing my hard work at the gym by overeating at home (and yup--you CAN overeat on the healthy stuff, too!). I did lose some weight and body fat, but the best thing I gained from Erin was learning how to run.
For my entire life, I HATED to run, but it wasn't until I hired Erin that I realized why: I was running wrong. I'd hit the ground with the ball of my foot first instead of the heel. Though I didn't LOVE it, I felt like after my training sessions, I could actually run with little pain, and was beginning to enjoy it. During our training sessions, Erin was training for Robie Creek, the toughest half marathon in the West. I'd always wanted to race; I had a friend who was a member of "The Breakfast Club," which was a group of friends that would get together every Sunday morning for breakfast and a marathon training run.
Each year, they picked a different marathon to do. The walls of her living room were covered with posters from those marathons (signed by all the members of the Breakfast Club, of course). I always thought that was so neat, and such an accomplishment, but when I was working out with my trainer, I felt like there was no way I could ever do one. I kept up with my workouts, but it wasn't until I joined Spark People last July that I really started to see results. I knew what to eat and how much for the first time. That alone was worthwhile. I learned about balance and moderation. I entered every bit of food I put into my mouth.
As the weight started to come off (I'm at 157, with a goal weight of 140 for my wedding), I started to think I might be able to do a race someday. Kyle was training for the Ironman 70.3, and I was always inspired by his dedication. This sounds TOTALLY cheesy, but when I was watching a recent season of The Biggest Loser, I was SUPER inspired by Helen. Here was this 48-year-old woman, who, three months before was obese, finishing a MARATHON. I said to myself that if she could do it, I could do it.
During the commercial break, I signed up for my first 5K. My new-year's resolution morphed from a rather ambiguous "lose weight and look perfect" to "run a 5K and a 10K in 2009; do a half marathon and a marathon in 2010." After trying to lose weight for 15 months, you can get pretty burned out from the diet restrictions and exercising all the time. I found that when I was training for that 5K, it was easier to focus. Working out had a purpose and the purpose was to prove to myself that I could do it. Fifteen months ago, I couldn't do 20 minutes on the treadmill without feeling like I was going to die. On May 16, I ran 3.1 miles in 33 minutes, and never felt prouder of anything in my life. I know that 3.1 miles isn't very far, but it was the first step to accomplishing my goals. After I crossed that finish line, I had my own Biggest Loser moment. This time last year, I had told Kyle I couldn't do what I just did. Now, eight weeks out from my wedding, I'm training for my first triathlon (just a mini-one: 1/4-mile swim, 5-mile bike, 2-mile run). It's no Ironman, but it’s a start.
Speaking of Ironman, Kyle finished the 70.3 miler (1.3-mile swim, 56-mile bike ride, and 13-mile run!) in 6:08. After the race, as I was collecting Kyle’s bags and his bicycle, I met a really friendly man in his mid-60s. He had placed first in his age division—the 55 and older group. He told me he just started running three years ago, and just started doing triathlons two years ago. Now here he was, mid-60s, placing first in his age group on a 70.3 mile race! Again I thought to myself, “If he can do it, I can do it!”
Since I’ve been training for my 5K and my mini-triathlon, I’ve eased up on myself a little and am beginning to appreciate my body for all it can do--how fast it can go, how hard it can work--flaws and all. I’m far from perfect, but training for races has given me an appreciation for my body the way it is, now, not in 15 pounds, not in a dress size. And all this training will undoubtedly help me reach my goal weight and look FANTASTIC for my wedding. It’s just amazing—and encouraging—to look at what I can do now and what I’m capable of now versus where I was a year ago. And that’s more than I could say 15 months ago. Training for a race isn’t about coming in first; it’s about dedicating yourself to finishing, and proving to yourself that you can do it.
Admittedly, I wanted to lose weight for my wedding and look “perfect” to impress other people (but don’t we all?). No wonder I’ve lost my motivation! But with racing, I feel like I’m doing it just for ME. I’m doing it to prove to the 184-pound version of me that there was a 140-pound person hiding under there and that that person is capable of anything. I’m doing it to prove to myself that I’ll NEVER be that heavy again. I’m doing it to prove I can put in the time, dedicate myself to finishing, and know I can do it. I’m doing it to prove I can, to prove I’m worth it—to myself. And that’s an empowering feeling, something no one can ever take away from me. And that’s more than I could say 15 months ago."
Monday, August 17, 2009
Hi, I'm that girl who never blogs anymore. Remember me?

Friday, July 31, 2009
It's official that I CAN run a whole lap without wishing I were dead. However... on the program it says to run 3 minutes or 400m, which is one lap. So I went with the distance rather than the time, and I think I was jogging about 2 minutes and 40 seconds per lap. So next time I'm going to stick with time, rather than distance.
Anyway, not only did I DO it, but I did some extra laps as well (not consecutively jogging, but jogging nonetheless!)!!
Im excited to finish week 3 and REALLY REALLY challenge myself on week 4. I still cant fathom 5 minutes of jogging... that's almost 2 laps?! But a week ago I couldnt' imagine running ONE lap... so we'll see!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Week 2... DONE
We start week 3 of couch to 5K on Wednesday and... I'm so nervous! Up until now, 90 seconds of jogging is all I had to do at a single time, but in week 3 it becomes 3 whole minutes of jogging intervals. That's one full lap, at the pace I've been going.
I'm so nervous but I know I can do it! It's going to be haaaaard but I'll do it and I'll do it without stopping!!
And I am officially going to do a 5k this fall with my sister in law. I'm excited to have a real goal to work towards! And knowing that she's going to be doing it with me is the extra push I need, so I know I absolutely can't give up, because she's counting on me! (Not to mention she's tiny, so I'll have to really work it to keep up with her!) Next phase is signing up for an actual race. Just thinking about that makes me nervous but I'm doing it!
This week is going awesome so far. As far as exercise AND eating well. We did the c25k last night and tonight I'm planning on a 60 minute bike ride. Anyway, as a girl who has spent most of her life feeling insecure and inferior and bad about herself, when I have proud moments I try to really appreciate them all I can. And today at lunch I had one of those moments. And it's as simple as this- I went to the cafe and ordered my turkey sandwich as usual, and rather than ordering the little bag of chips along with it, I got mixed fruit. Because I 100% didn't even want the chips. I just thought about how the grease and oil and fat of the chips would dissolve into all the cells in my body... and about how if I got fruit all the nutrients and vitamins would dissolve into the cells in my body... and when you think of it that way, it's a really simple choice after all! Anyway that was just a proud little moment for me and I wanted to share :O)
Cherish even the small signs of progress.
Monday, July 27, 2009
My weekend funk
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Week 2 Day 1

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
She's graduating
I'm very happy to be able to report that I have officially completed week 1 of C25K. I ended up doing it last night instead of elliptical'ing. It was my third and final go at week 1, and it was the best one yet. I'm sure it has a little something to do with the fact that it was the evening and perfect weather (not blistering hot like the other 2 days I've done it) but I felt SOOO good jogging last night! At the end of each 60 second interval I kept thinking 'Wow, I could totally just keep going!' And I DID a couple times. I jogged a couple of the intervals as 90 seconds rather than 60, just because I felt like it. And then on the very last one, I went ahead and jogged for 2 minutes rather than 1. I know they say not to jump ahead in the program (which I'm not really...) but I just wanted to push myself and felt really good about it. And another crazy thing is i'm actually craving to go jogging today! I wont because my calf is sore AND I know at this early on in the program I really do need to be giving myself a day in between jogging. So needless to say, I'm really excited about starting week 2 and seeing how much more I can progress in just a short week. I'll be jogging a full mile without stopping in no time! That will be a HUGE freaking milestone for me. I haven't done that since 10th grade which was about 7 years ago! One small problem I am having is a sore calf/shin after jogging. I'm not sure if it's a shin splint or what, but it's hurting after I jog. I try to focus on my form and everything, but it's giving me troubles every time. I guess all I can really do is be careful, ice it after jogging, and keep going to strengthen whatever the problem is! I really am so excited about this program. I feel like in a way it is giving me a break on watching my weight so closely. I typically weigh myself every day and focus on that a lot more than I probably should, but I feel like this is giving me something else to work towards and focus on, rather than just losing weight. I can't believe i'm saying this but I am honest to goodness thinking about signing up for a 5K this fall. I never thought those words would pass my lips, but I have a feeling that I can push myself a lot harder/farther than I ever realized. Maybe I will become one of those crazy people who loves running afterall!
My 1000 Calorie Day
Monday, July 20, 2009
My Goals for This Week
- Couch to 5k Tuesday, Thursday (morning!!), and Saturday. Thursday will be my 1st day of week 2, and my first day of doing it in the am!!
- Monday and Wednesday, 60 minutes of working out either with a video, elliptical, bike, or tennis.
- Be MINDFUL of what I'm putting in my mouth.
- Eat more veggies (I've been slacking with this one lately)
Let me take a minute to write about the C25K thing. I'm still really excited about it and anxious to see what kind of progress I make! I did day 2 on Saturday and at the end of each 60 second jog I felt like 'Hey... I could totally keep jogging for a little longer!' Which was an exciting feeling to have, but I didn't do it because I want to stick with the plan and not over do it. I decided that the easiest way to stick with this is to tell people that I'm doing it. That will help keep me accountable for sure. I've told John of course, and Stephanie (duh), but I've also told my sister and my mom, and my sister in law. I also joined the Spark Group (it was after reading some posts in the Spark Group that I decided it was something I should do), and I will be posting regularly there for a little feedback and accountability. I'm looking forward to this week, sort of as a way to un-do all the bad that I did to my body over the weekend. I need to learn that it's OK to flat out say NO to cravings. It's just soooo not worth it! Ever! I feel like when I'm craving something, I will push it off to the side of my mind for a while. And I will push and push and push, until I can't hold it off any longer, and then I cave in. I need to stop doing that and realize that I DO have the strength to just flat out say NO.
I am going to my hometown on August 7th for my friends baby shower. Right now I'm using this as a little motivation stepping stone. I want to feel and look great when I see my old friends!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Who is co-signing your B.S.?
Stephanie's Day 1 Week 1 of Couch to 5K
Saturday, July 18, 2009
New Granola Recipe
- 1/4 Cup Butter
1/4 Cup Honey
1/4 Cup Natural Peanut Butter
2.5 Cup Oats
1 Cup Chopped Nuts (I used roasted almonds with sea salt)
1 Cup Coconut
1 Cup Dried Fruit (I used apricots, apple, mango, and craisen and cut them with scissors)
2. Heat butter, peanut butter, and honey until butter is melted and peanut butter is smooth.
3. Combine rest of ingredients and fold with a wooden spoon until golden brown (2-3 min)
4. Spread evenly on baking sheet and bake at 250 for 15 min, then stir and bake another 15 min.
Number of Servings: 15
- Servings Per Recipe: 15
- Amount Per Serving
- Calories: 206.9
- Total Fat: 11.1 g
- Cholesterol: 8.1 mg
- Sodium: 26.7 mg
- Total Carbs: 32.2 g
- Dietary Fiber: 5.7 g
- Protein: 4.3 g
Thursday, July 16, 2009
And today... she's struggling.
First off, I really should have been blogging lately, but I just haven't. I HATE how I go through spells of just really really REALLY not feeling in the mood to blog. For instance last month I had great progress pictures, but wasn't in the mood to blog about them. Then went to Virginia which was interesting... but I wasn't in the mood to blog about it. I finally dropped down to 178.4 this week! Hit the 170's!! But alas... not in the mood to blog about it. Heck I even rode my bike 16 miles- from my house to my in-laws house, and burned over 900 calories, WHILE on my period! But naturally... not in the mood for blogging. I hate that. And to be completely honest?? I'm sooo not even in the mood to be doing it now! But I guess you gotta start back up sometime.
As Steph mentioned, we are starting the couch to 5K program. I did day 1 on Wednesday, and was feeling really great. (And should be doing day 2 tonight...hmm. Anyone have some energy they could lend me????) The program starts off really simple, but just to know that I could complete day 1 without much of a struggle at all had me feeling really great about myself. In fact I am now feeling as though I'd like to run a 5K this fall.
But for some reason, the last 2 days (yesterday and today) I have really been struggling.
I've been ravenous. And therefore I have been eating. And eating. And eating. And I've been feeling lethargic for the past 2 days as well. Not sure why this is. I'm drinking a ton of water and I'm not even pms'ing, so I don't understand why I'm so hungry. And I know a big part of the problem is that when I feel this sort of hunger, I go for whatever I can find that's NOT healthy. Screw the apple, I say, as I grab a cookie. It's frustrating when I do that, yet I have continued to do it all day (and it's only noon!? wtf!) When I get this way I fight off the urge for what seems like as long as I can, until I ultimately give in to whatever I am craving. I wish I could find the strength to really fight off cravings when they come like this, rather than just suppress them until I can no longer stand it.
I guess I will say that I'm really proud of myself/excited to be officially into the 170's! It always super exciting to 'down a decade' on the scale. But the second I do, I starting thinking "OK now I'm just dying to get into the 160's!" I think sometimes I need to take a minute and be proud of what I have just accomplished rather than thinking that it's still not good enough.
Last night John and I were going to go for a bike ride (I literally had to force myself to get my biking gear on, I just wanted to stay home and lay on the couch. And this was AFTER an hour long nap!) and when we got to our bikes we made the terrible discovery that we both had flats!! I was soooo irritated because I had finally gotten awake enough, and in the mood for a good ride, knowing that exercise would make me feel more awake and elevate my mood... and it was ruined. Anyway, we decided to go for a walk instead and walked briskly for about 70 minutes. Burned 500 calories, and I was glad we did something rather than just be discouraged by our flat tires. On our walk we talked about how we want to always be active together, and with our children. That we want to be in shape and healthy to be good examples for our future family, as well as to be able to do fun adventurous and active things with them. These conversations always make me happy. I really look forward to raising a healthy family. Having John (who has officially lost 13 lbs, bytheway!) at my side while I am trying to create an active lifestyle has been a great blessing for me.
Ok I'm not sure where I'm going with all this, but I just felt like I needed to blog. That's all for now.
Mal & I's next big adventure
Monday, July 13, 2009
Angel Food Cake Dessert
- Servings Per Recipe: 12
- Amount Per Serving
- Calories: 274.3
- Total Fat: 10.5 g
- Cholesterol: 28.0 mg
- Sodium: 188.7 mg
- Total Carbs: 42.7 g
- Dietary Fiber: 1.5 g
- Protein: 4.1 g