-Here's the story- We met on Sparkpeople.com in October of 2008. We have become eachother's healthy living support through countless email's, text messages, and gchat. Come to find out, we have a lot more in common than just the desire to lose weight and have had the opportunity to become great 'virtual' friends! We are both working towards the main goal of weight loss and overall health and happiness. This is where we document our up's and down's along the way! *If you are stopping by for the first time, please feel free to say hello in the comments section and leave us a link to your blog if you would like! We always enjoy finding new blogs to follow!*

Monday, September 21, 2009

W.O.W. Week 3

Well it is the week of the plateau...I was only down one pound this week to 212.  I am not complaining, I knew it was coming I just wasnt quite ready for the tidal wave of weight to stop coming off.  

Last week the strength training we did was incredibly intense, and by the end of the week Lyndie had me in pain.  But it was such a good pain, and muscles that needed to be worked but on my own I would have had no idea how to.  

This week I am making sure that I am focusing on staying strong with recording my food on sparkpeople, and working through this stagnate time instead of using it as my excuse to make a few mistakes.  Here we go!!!

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Mallory's Weight Loss

Stephanie's Weight Loss