So I am 2 days late with posting this, but here goes...
Drumroll please...
I lost 2 more lbs last week!
My weight as of 5/11/2010 is 178.8.
My hard work is paying off, and I am SO HAPPY. Slowly but surely my friends, I will reach my goal.
I have been totally kicking butt in working out these past couple weeks, but unfortunately the Shred is starting to take it's toll on my knee once again. I seem to be swelling up pretty good every evening that I shred, and today it's pretty swollen and achy. Needless to say, I am really disappointed but I am going to back off the Shred for now. It's not worth the risk of a real injury.
Anyway, I am down a total of 9 lbs in 3 weeks. From eating healthy, and exercising my butt off. And I feel like a million freakin dollars!
I bought this top (it's actually SUPER cute irl) at Express about 3 years ago, and wore it once because it was too small. It was too small when I bought it, but it was one of those "Oh I am going to lose weight anyway so it will be perfect!" things. Well I didn't lose weight, I actually gained weight. I tried it on probably 18 months ago (around 195-200 lbs) and it was RIDICULOUSLY small. I mean really. I could button it but it looked like the buttons were going to pop off if I dared to move, and we all know how attractive the *fat stomach busting out of my top* look is.

I was on a *some of my old smaller clothes finally fit!!* rush after this, so yesterday I pulled out a pair of pants I bought last summer. They were on clearance for $4 at Target, and like the aforementioned top, they were way too small when I bought them but I was planning to lose weight anyway. (Am I the only one who does this? Or is that normal? Hubby would kill me if he knew I bought clothes that didn't even fit!)
I have tried the pants on a time or two since purchasing them, but they were just too tight. They squeezed my stomach and made my butt look gigantic because they had the 'painted on' look. I t actually wore them to work one day in the winter, and I remember taking them off the second I got home because they were so uncomfortable and I didn't want John to see how -too small- they were. Well yesterday I pulled them out of the closet. And they are not even TIGHT now!! I had to double check to make sure they were the correct pants. They fit like they were made for my body. I couldn't believe it.
I feel like my hard work is finally starting to pay off. I don't always notice it when I look in the mirror, but it's happening. And I am so excited!
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