-Here's the story- We met on Sparkpeople.com in October of 2008. We have become eachother's healthy living support through countless email's, text messages, and gchat. Come to find out, we have a lot more in common than just the desire to lose weight and have had the opportunity to become great 'virtual' friends! We are both working towards the main goal of weight loss and overall health and happiness. This is where we document our up's and down's along the way! *If you are stopping by for the first time, please feel free to say hello in the comments section and leave us a link to your blog if you would like! We always enjoy finding new blogs to follow!*

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

W.O.W. gets a new look

Well after much soul searching and advice from a cousin I have taken my fitness in a different direction. So far I am happy to announce I am down 3 pounds this week so far. I have done my elliptical machine twice, a lot of strength training, and just been eating damn close to perfect if not better than perfect (if there is such a thing)

I feel as this has gone on that I am doing the right thing some of the aches and pains that I was haivng have disappeared and Kristan has been a champ helping me with meal plans, reminding me of making good choices, and holding me accountable for my fitness. I am so proud of my eating yesterday I just need to share it:

Breakfast: 3/4 C. Blueberries, 3/4 C Strawberries, 1 scoop of protein (smoothie)
Snack: 1 cup of grapes, 1 low fat cheese stick
Lunch: Lean Cuisine Glazed Chicken and an apple
Snack: 2 pieces of turkey sandwich meat, 1 kiwi, and 3 almonds
Supper: 5 Cups air popped popcorn
Water: 92 ounces

How awesome is that!! It may be tough...but I am tougher. I have to take accountability for my own fitness at one time or another. I am planning to go to strength training tomorrow night too!!

Keep fighting the good fight, it pays off!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

WOW #3 Week 3-Things Have Changeed

Its been a long time since I have even thought about you, but the over the last month I have started having really weird and random injuries, but the most alarming of all is I have been taking Ibuprofen before I go and work out and it has gone away from the "ohh" it feels like I worked out to more of an "ouch" this is uncomfortable pain and its scaring me. Plus my competitive nature isn't very good for this either because I don't like to modify or "take it easy" i'm not really very good at it. Generally, when in pain looking back I think "hmmm...so that is where I should have modified"

The thing that is freaking me out the most at this moment though is that I haven't had this weight off for a long enough time to feel safe knowing I can keep it away forever and ever.

Kristan has saved the day, as always, and nobody will ever speak of her negatively in my presence EVER. After this I consider myself lucky to be considered her friend, and with the utmost respect. I was scared, and I am scared...I don't want to stop kickboxing, so she is going to work with me to develop a workout plan and eating plan to get through the next few weeks.

I can't forget how far I have come and where I want to end up...More later...

Monday, April 5, 2010

WOW #3 Week 1- Here I am

The phantom blogger has returned with vision, motivation, and ready to kick some ass. This wow I can already tell it is going to be some much better, there is more spirit and spunk. Today even the girl next to me was kicking butt and taking names. It was really fun and that hasn't been a word I would have used to describe WOW in a while.

Kristan recommended we journal about the following things to get started with this one. I agree its so much better to start with the goal in mind!!

1. When were you at your peak physical condition?
Surprisingly I would say right now in the last few months I have been at my top physical peak of my entire life. I was always in shape in high school and played a lot of sports, but never in all around good fitness with good eating habits. Generally it was one or the other, but rarely did I sustain doing both.

2. Do you remember how great you felt both mentally and physically?
Yes do, and it is what generally keeps me going. This year I started a new job, am a full time
grad student at UNI, and have been working out at 4:30am since the end of august. Right now
kickboxing has become my prozac, and kept me sane under the pressure. And I feel sexy, lets
be honest, and it feels pretty damn good.

3. What do you have to change about your current habits to attain results like that again?
Right now I have to cut out the excessive carbs, and lower my calories to 1000 to 1200 I hope to
to lose another 25 in this WOW and in order to make a huge change like that I have to keep it
together on the eating and work my ass off.

4. What is your #1 goal for the next 10 weeks?
My main goals for this WOW are continued weight loss, I know it isn't about numbers but when I
started all of this I had a number in the back of my head (150) and I am getting there. I have to
get serious to get the serious results I want. Also, I want to work on being more active outside of
the gym, because that will lead me to developing an overall more active lifestyle and making true

5. What are the "solutions" you must stay focused upon in order to attain that goal?
I will not be allowing myself to get dragged into negativity during this WOW, I am going for ME
and only ME. I have a great partner this time, but I will not attribute my success to anyone but
myself. I have all the tools to reach my goals, I just need to use them. This is my mantra for this
WOW, and I will tell it to myself over and over and over if I have to. I need to focus on my own
"personal bank account" because it needs some deposits before I can help others build theirs.

Mallory's Weight Loss

Stephanie's Weight Loss